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Showing posts from February, 2022

Cloud Computing boon for Emerging Digital World

#Cloud #Computing (CC) has indeed #revolutionized our computing #environment as to how we procure, store, protect and process data at #affordable cost and meet various #functional requirements of all big and small organizations. In recent years, CC is a hot topic among senior executives, managers, analysts, and IT professionals as to when and how to move to the CC environment and maximize their growth and profitability.  Indeed, Cloud Computing is a great boon for all organizations as it provides them #flexible and #cost-efficient computing  #resources and #services on #usage-based payments. Big Data due to its vast volume and speed of data has great dependency on cloud computing. However, various users at different levels need to understand the applications, #benefits and #implications/risks of joining the wave of cloud computing. The #flexibility, #economy, and #efficiency of CC have been well recognized by many big enterprises who are now planning to switch from their own l...

Big Data and Analytics

  Big Data System (BDS) is a digital transformation from traditional structured data processing (RDBMS) to using Hadoop environment and Natural Language Processing (NLP) for unstructured data. Indeed, it facilitates better and faster decision making. Big Data has come like a tidal wave, which continues to move swiftly, across most industries/ organizations globally. Concurrently, a number of supporting technologies have also emerged to make it possible to store and quickly process vast data, flowing from anywhere to anywhere, at any time, in a variety of forms and formats.  BDS helps by quick extracting relevant information for better decision-making. Big Data is one of the most emerging technologies. It has great potential to impact our working culture, business processes/ practices and business strategies.  Of late,   social media has opened floodgates to data exchange to interact across the world on a 24x7 basis. There are no geographical boundaries or t...