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Tips for Success in Career Interview

The very thought on an interview brings fear in minds of some and it may cause mental blankness of many aspirants, who are otherwise keen to switch their career. They get worried about -“What will they ask? How should I answer? What if I say something wrong?”. The master key has three notches to dispel such fears and succeed in interview -- Preparation, Preparation and Preparation. If you have made up your mind to change your job due to prevailing uncertainty, you need to seriously select the suitable job from available job Portals, Websites, Job Journals, Newspapers/Magazines and placement agencies. The next step is preparation and appearing for the interview to first get shortlisted and then succeed through various stages of interview, depending upon type and level of the job. The foundation for a successful interview is a good presentation of your CV, as it the showcase of your personality, professional knowledge, experience and skill set. Your CV is the gate-pass to the intervi...

Networking a must for Career Success

“We are living in one global village where networking brings Synergy and mutual support for sustainability on any business” We all know networking is very important for any career as it provides business-growth opportunities while interacting with other professionals and share business ideas Internet technologies have removed geographical boundaries and time-zones have become a great boon for global business. Digital marketing, payment gateways and direct delivery process have given a new dimension for doing business. You should take advantage of social media networks and other professional forums for the furtherance of your career. Professional workgroups/forums like—LinkedIn, Yahoo groups, Google+ help in establishing new alliances and associations to diversify your business. In this world of uncertainty and high competition, you cannot succeed alone and for the growth and stability of your career, you need to network with others and share your thoughts, expertise and p...