The coming era of Artificial Intelligence will not be the era of war, but be the era of deep compassion, non-violence, and love.”. Amit Ray , Pioneer of Compassionate AI Movement. In today’s fast-moving # digital world, # Artificial #Intelligence (AI) has already become a buzzword. AI continues impacting our work #environment, business processes/ procedures/ practices, #productivity, #quality, # networking and #lifestyle . AI is special software created and stored in computers systems/computing/communication devices and #household #appliances so that these can act like humans. These IT-enabled devices can efficiently perform tasks such as recognition of #speech, #images, speedily analyze large input data and assist in faster and accurate decision making. AI is based on well-designed #algorithms by a team of experts from multi-disciplinary areas. The algorithms are coded and stored in the equipment/devices as #embedded software . Thu...
Dr Sarbjit's Blog is free sharing of knowledge and experience and giving support to young professionals in progressing in their career and contributing to the organisation.. On-going learning and adopting emerging technologies and being innovative are the keys to success