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Determination, Discipline and Dedication are keys to success

 “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand”. Vince Lombardi
It is a good habit to go to sleep with the satisfaction of what you did during the day, and it is the best thing to get up in the morning with the determination to excel on every new day. As a student, sports person, team member, manager, teacher, engineer, or doctor, you must be determined to complete a given task to the full satisfaction of your customer/seniors. Do not expect always “first time right”, since things may go wrong due to the internal and external environment, which are often not in your control. Any setback should be taken as a temporary phase to recoup and try again. You must remain steadfast as it may take several attempts before you achieve full success. It is very important to dare with calculated risk and quickly take off to get the best out of a situation. Those who hesitate and remain double-minded are spectators often described by a famous quotation - “Paralysis through Analysis”. They remain indecisive and opportunities do not wait for them. Some of the salient points to achieve success are given below:
  •  Daring to face challenges. As a professional at any level, you must pick up the courage to deal with any situation and go ahead. As and when the opportunity comes you should be the first to take it on. It will inspire your teammates as they observe that you can take a well-calculated risk and start the task without losing any time. Do not get distracted by weak people whose risk profile is low.  You are to be a go-getter.
  • Dealings with stakeholders:  While dealing with students in a college, patients in hospital or customers, consultants, senior management, team members, friends, relatives, parents and children you must reflect maturity and trust. One must know who is talking to whom and why. Each place and person need appropriate treatment and respect. Similarly, while dealing with the welfare of team, one should be generous and firm as per the emerging situation. You are to be tactful while dealing with customer, vendors and clients. Similarly, you are to be careful and respectful while dealing with stakeholders and forge good relations.
  • Dedication is the key to success. It is the passion and the vigour with which you must work and be a role model for others around you. As a dedicated person, you will enjoy doing a job and have no cribs or stress of work. Your concentration of energies and focus will be natural. You will enjoy doing the job and making success as a habit. Many successful people adopt the motto “Work is worship”. Indeed it makes things so simple and success will be obvious.
  •  Delegate to Accelerate. There are some over- enthusiastic people who think themselves  “know-all” and want to do every job themselves and be perfectionists. They actually become bottle-neck as they keep accumulating more and more instead of finishing and delivering as per priority. They overload themselves to do most things in their own style and standard. You should be judicious to delegate the workload as per team member capability. If a team member is in his/her comfort – zone, he /she will perform to his/her full potential. Once you delegate, allow them to perform and manage their commitments. By so doing you can devote time to responsibilities for which you are accountable.
  •  Commitment to delivering on time. In any organization, you are among many others who are interlinked in a project /process. If you delay and do not meet deadlines, it will affect your teammates. Such delay will impact client’s business as they are in turn linked to someone else. Therefore commitments and deadlines must be met at any cost  In every field say education, transportation, manufacturing infrastructure construction, you and your team must complete the job/task as per schedule. If you commit to a deadline that must be adhered to. Your credibility to be on-time and every time will impact your relationship with customers and vendors.
  •  Dependable. Whether you are a marketing person, vendor, supplier, doctor, engineer, professor in college or even as a financial consultant, you have to be dependable. Your product, services have to be delivered on time, within budget and to the delight of your customer/ client.Your competence and commitment to the job will make you dependable and you will be always adequately rewarded. You will win hearts of both seniors and peers. You should always say what you mean and mean what you say.
  • Demonstrate right approach and lead. One of the most effective leadership traits is the demonstrative performance to show the right way for the team to follow. It establishes your professional excellence and willing cooperation from the team.
  • Destiny. God has blessed you with various strengths and faculties. Accept those and work diligently to improve/build further in stages.  Your destiny is in your hands.
  • A determination is a power. All things being equal, it is the will-power and self-confidence which make one put in an extra bit to complete the last lap of the race. If you are determined to win, you will make it happen. In all fields like sports, adventures, marketing, long hours of hard coding in an IT-related project, you must not quit and just go on since success is waiting for you.
  •  Doing different things or similar things differently. To make your name in the organization, you are to be innovative doing something different than routine or doing the same thing differently which has good look and feel and more cost-efficient. Repeating the same process, product, service will slow down the progress of the organization and your team will become lazy and lesser productive.  Remember change is spice of life
  • Dignity and love of Job. All jobs are linked to employee’s competence and related parameters. You must maintain the dignity of your job and status. No job is small since even door keeper also has an important role like that of CEO of an organization. Therefore love your job and respect job of others, as all have their own task to perform. If you love your job, you will enjoy doing it and you do not require to be supervised.
  • Discipline and efficiency. Self-discipline helps to control body and mind, improves credibility and performance. It also inspires team members to follow you and becomes a well-knit team leading to success in every initiative you may undertake.  If as a manager/team leader you adhere to office timing (IN/OUT) religiously, your whole team will follow you. Discipline flows from top to bottom. Keep the interest of the organization as priority one and enforce discipline by personal example. A disciplined team always completes the task on –time, every time and within budget.
  •  Do it now. Do not ask what and why to avoid responsibility, instead look at the task ahead and just do it to the best of your potential. Be a go-getter and demonstrate your initiative to take on any task assigned to you. Infect, you should help others and enable them to do well. Good old saying ---“Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today”.
  • Duty and discipline. Be a role model for punctuality, discipline and follower of organizational policies and procedures. You must be seen as a highly disciplined person with 100% commitment to the job, without wasting time in waling and gossiping around. This will enhance the productivity of the whole team.
                        For more details refer to my books on -
1.        “A2z 26 Steps for Assured Success”

2.        “career Challenges during global uncertainty”


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