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Employer-Employee-Family Expectations

With fast advances in technologies, business practices and global alliances, expectations of employer and employee are increasing rapidly. In emerging highly competitive global market every employer wants fewer people with great analytic capability, having multiple skills, doing multi-tasking and bringing maximum profitability to the organisation. Likewise, today’s employee wants modern work environment with opportunities to learn newer skills, good pay package and stability of career. This demands radical changes in our education system, government policies/incentives for innovation and research.

 Employee  Expectations. All young professionals in every field expect the following facilities:

·         Good work environment,

·         Good learning  environment,

·         Good career growth ,

·         Stability of job  ,

·         Good pay package for leading quality life,

·         Transport facility/allowance,

·         Housing facility/HRA,

·         Insurance and health care for self and the family.

Employer Expectations, All employers expect  their employees to have following capacities:

  • Analytic ability of very  high order,
  • High competency  and domain knowledge,
  • Team-man ship , 
  • Multitasking  skills,
  • Initiative  and fast decision making ,
  • Creativity for innovation,
  • Adaptability and knowledge sharing ,
  • Determination   to achieve a given task on-time, every time and within budget,
  • Willingness to take on extra responsibility ,
  • Ability to work under stressful conditions ,
  • Integrity of a very high order.

Family expectations.  When you are at work place you are quite busy and your time just flies away. However, you family members staying at home wait for you to come home and be with them. One must have a balance between life at workplace and life at home.  Both are very important, demanding and   you are to tactfully satisfy both requirements/ expectations. Family requirement will vary depending upon working timing of spouse, children education, and health care of elders. Some common expectations are listed below :

·         Come home by  right time,

·         Don’t bring work home until it is a rare exception/emergency,

·         Have week end free to be fully with the family,

·         Go out on picnics/sight seeing,

·         Socializing with friends, relatives

·         Go on tour as per children’s vacations,

It is therefore essential that young professionals keep learning emerging technologies and management techniques through online/part time courses and also on- the- job training in the organisation. You need to balance your time for office work and home life. There is “no gain without pain" and nothing comes free.   Therefore adopt a policy of "work is worship" and go an extra mile to work and support your team and meet expectations of your seniors and the customers. It is usual that customer has formal written down requirement but also has unwritten expectations. You are to accommodate those but tactfully  without losing in earning and without discomfort to the customer.

As we all know "Nothing Succeeds like Success" and therefore always work hard and to your fullest strength and ensure success.  It is the hard work and positive attitude which counts for 75%  of your success while luck may cater for 25% or less. Remember the good old saying “God Helps those who help themselves".

  They say "Health is wealth" since without having good health you cannot take extra load/pressure of workplace and stand out as great achiever. It is very important to maintain good health through taking good food and daily physical exercises. Simple yoga and some meditation will add to your being calm and cheerful.

Always put up a smile, it costs you nothing but gives lot of joy to others around you.

Dr Sarbjit Singh , PhD

Former Executive Director/principal

Apeejay College of  Engineering.

Sohna, Gurgram 122103

For more information- visit  to refer my books

1.      A2Z 26 steps for assured success.

2.      Career challenges during global uncertainty.


Anonymous said…
When expectations are more than requirement, there may be tension in waiting . Be patient.
This is a nice article on the subject
Anonymous said…
Expectation are more than requirement but it must not lead to greed
Anonymous said…
Well brought out need / represent can be met but greed can not be met.

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