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Love, Share and Care for Happiness and Wellness.

“ Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work”- Mother Teresa
 Love is the foundation of our life and our wellbeing. Without love, life will be dry and depressing. If you love someone show it, since “Love begets Love”.  Love is not lust for material gain but inner feelings from the core of our heart to “speak good, do good, hear good, stay happy and make others happy”. Pure Love is God and God is Love. All human beings, animals, reptiles, birds, insects, fishes, water animals, trees, plants, grass and many more are the creation of God.  God has no shape, colour, religion or one country or preference for one over another. He is common to all living beings. He controls the whole universe consisting of many galaxies, billions of stars, numerous planets and asteroids. He alone decides their destruction and evolution. Likewise, He alone decides the date, time and place of birth and death of all beings.  He always loves to see His creation growing, flowering, blooming and bearing the fruit of sweetness to bring joy to all. We the humans are the highest state among all living beings and this opportunity has come by God’s grace. We the human beings are the most loved one as God has blessed us with so many faculties and ability to analyse good vs bad and respond appropriately. Before our birth, it is not we who negotiated with God to select a family (rich or poor), country, town, house, palace or hutment. God also has no negotiation about a child’s gender or beauty, with parents who have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of their child. Based on our past deeds (Kramas), we are given opportunity to take rebirth, improve and achieve salvation through our acts of love affection and gratitude without discrimination of colour, creed, religion, rich, poor or gender. It is ever true:-
“As you sow, so shall you reap”.
It should be the endeavour of all of us to follow and practise some of the well-known teachings of prophets, saints, and noble people who came on this earth at various times by the grace of God and served the entire humanity spreading the message of harmony, brotherhood /sisterhood, Love and kindness. Unfortunately, most of us get deeply engrossed in self-cantered business, ego, the greed of collecting wealth and spare little or no time to seek the purpose of our life.  Time does not wait and precious life keeps passing away purposelessly. While keep doing your job normal, you still can be a caring and loving person.  Meditation, visit a religious place, a company of saintly persons can help to experience inner happiness and the real purpose of our life.   There is an urgent need to recall our purpose of life and live by good deeds, sharing with needy and meditate in the name of supreme God. Some well-known good deeds but less practised are listed below:-
·         God has given us a powerful brain,  five senses  namely Sight, ( two eyes to see good ), Hearing (two ears to hear good), Smell ( two nostrils to smell good), Touch (  One mouth/ tongue to taste good), Touch ( two hands, and 10 fingers to judge hot/cold, rough over smooth).  We must use these senses intelligently and respond appropriately.
·         Using your brain, five senses and body (two hands, two legs/feet), earn your living through hard work and honesty.
·         Must nor cheat or harm others to gain material advantage.
·         Be a giver and not a taker. Plan and earn for your needs which can be met bur, not greed which can take you off the track, and you tempt to commit unethical and immoral acts.
·         If you are rich, share 10% of your wealth with the underprivileged. This small investment will be your biggest asset in the long run and not your bank balance.
·         If you are strong, walk across the street and help the weaker or physically challenged.
·         If you are well educated, support the underprivileged students financially or coaching them free.
·         If you are living in a big city, do visit some villages and sit with them to chat, hear their stories and share a meal.
·          If you are good in socialising, do walk to the lonely/elder persons to cheer them up and make them laugh.
·         If you are retired from a job and have time, you must step out of the house to stay active and indulge in social work. You may become part of NGO. May you visit Old Homes and Ashrams and give gifts and your time to hear them. Listening to a patient or suffering person is great healing in itself.
·         If you have enough resources for your living and working, share with the underprivileged.
·         Be kind to animals and help the injured and hungry animals. It could be stray dogs or abandoned animals like cows or horses/mules or even donkeys.
·         Be vegetarian and do not kill animals or birds to fill your tummy. There are large varieties of organic foods, fruits, and drinks to stay healthy.
·         Don’t destroy trees and plants as bear flowers and fruits for us. These are the protection of our environment and affect all living beings.
 Love leads to liking, respect, regard and help in unification.  You get aligned to the vision of your organisation you are serving Love begets love. Pure love does not require to measure its return. If you love someone show it, it will act as a balm for those in pain/distress. Love helps to go closer to God,  realise the distinction between body and soul. Sole is pure while the body is material infirm and often have prejudices and craving for getting more.  Listen to your soul and act and not the desires and taste of body. Religion, meditation, reading good books, viewing good TV shows and networking with well-meaning friends and mentors can help you to lessen your greed, obsession and correct your pace of life.  Have full faith in God, Teachers ( Guru), Parents, friends ( good), and self. Keep a positive attitude, be a good listener and thankful to all who help you in need. Do not imitate others and stay contented to live within your means --. Remember the good old saying “ cut your coat as per your cloth”
For more information-  visit  to refer my books
1.      A2Z 26 steps for assured success.
2.      Career challenges during global uncertainty.


Anonymous said…
good article

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