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Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are Future Realities

Head-Mounted Display(HMD) is an essential component of VR

If we see the trend among emerging technologies in the last five years, VR and AR are being fast adopted in the industrial world, which includes major areas of entertainment, health care, tourism and education. Indeed VR and AR are the technologies of the future, and to give a boost to their career, young professionals should quickly get into VR field by learning-related skills through on-line and other related training programs. By 2024, VR and AR technologies will be impacting our lives in a big way. Many people foresee a future where they will be able to create their own realities and even go back in time.  For instance, they could be sitting in their homes in India, can put on a Head-Mounted Display ( HMD)  headgear and enjoy a  soccer or cricket match, being played in England or Australia. One could put on a VR headgear and realize the holographic image of a political leader or film actor or friend and chat with him/her as a real person, but you cannot touch and feel the person. Likewise, you could be flying across snow-clad mountains of Himalayas of India or snow-covered beautiful peaks of Switzerland or Canada. You could be flying along the great canyon of USA or having an underwater adventure with sea animals. In the near future, people could simulate any environment and feel as if they were actually there.
Although by 2019, the average person may not have had a chance to experience VR or AR, yet most of them can imagine VR and AR as part of their future life. The ideas of VR and AR are quite exciting, where within the comforts of your own place; you can put on HMD headgear and be anywhere experiencing anything, and chatting with any­one. You could fly across the oceans, deserts or rain forest, to explore other countries. VR and AR have no boundaries since you could travel through entire solar systems and quickly moving from Moon to Mars or any other planet. These are the kinds of VR and AR capabilities the public has long been promised by the creators and promoters of VR. Most people are very excited about the full-fledged implementation of VR and its easy availability to all. The present generation has been watching, entertainment movies like Star Trek, Avatar, TV show, and reading science fiction books. These all have been giving us great hope about VR. Lately, VR has been used for recreations of environment, magic and imagination.

It last few years, Computing, AI and Manufacturing Technologies have advanced very rapidly and will soon enable people to travel back in time and rediscover many exciting aspects of their lives. Within the next 10 years, VR and AR will bring many changes to the way we work, the way we imagine, how we are entertained, and how we communicate with others. To incorporate these functionalities in VR and AR systems, the market requires, computer software programmers, AI experts, digital photographers, scene creators, and experts in computer simulation techniques, fiction story writers, dreamers, innovators, and magic makers. Indeed VR and AR gives hope for the creation of new jobs for people with an appropriate skillset
Virtual Reality (VR). VR is the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image environment, created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user tends to believe it as a real environment. VR is primarily experienced through the user‘s senses of seeing and hearing for which he/she wears an HMD headset or Gloves fitted with sensors. VR offers you a complete immersion experience that takes you away from the physical world. Using VR devices such as HTC Vive, Oculus Rift or Google Cardboard,  the viewer can be made to fly across a number of real-world and imagined environments. It could be on the  ground ( Desert,  Jungle, Mountains, underwater ).
 Augmented Reality (AR). AR adds digital objects as an overlay to a (real world) live view by using the camera or a smartphone.  AR keeps the real-world central but enhances it with other digital details,
Mixed Reality (MR).  MR combines elements of both AR, real-world (physical) and Digital objects (  digitally simulated). It makes both types of elements interplay to create an easily realizable environment. With MR you can play a video game, grab your bat to hit the ball or punch an imaginary character in a boxing ring. In MR, you interact with and manipulate both physical and virtual environments, using next-generation of computing, sensing and imaging technologies. MR allows you to see and immerse yourself in the world around you and even as you interact with a virtual environment using your own hands but without removing your headset.
History and Progress of VR.  VR is not very latest concept  since  its basic concept  goes back to mid-1930s when  science fiction writers, inventors, research scholars and thinkers have imagined fugue virtual environment where one could go back or ahead of time with the help of   creative art and simulating machines In the field of  entertainment and gaming, VR has been there for many years, but its real impact on our life is being felt only after 2010.  With the enhanced capability of computing, imaging and sensors, VR technology can generate realistic images, sounds, and other sensations and presenting an exciting experience of the spectacular virtual world. VR Technology has advanced rather faster and has a larger share of market-related to entertainment, gaming, sports, education and exploration. It has a very bright future and is being welcomed by all industries namely, entertainment, gaming, movies, magic, health care, education, training, travel and tourism
VR Headsets. By natural instinct, human beings like visual things for which good display technology is the answer to differentiate between immersive VR systems and traditional user interfaces. For this, HMD headset is the most important device for VR system. Major players in VR include HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR (PSVR). Using an HMD headset, you’ll experience a computer-generated world of imagery and sounds in which you can manipulate objects and move around using controllers which are suitably hooked on to the PC / Laptop. There are many HMD headgears available, with varying performance levels and prices.   You may choose from Amazon or Google store to match your need and affordable price. Some immersive headsets are being offered by Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo and Samsung. Microsoft has also entered the Arena of VR in a big way and so is Google.
Motion controllers  Nearly all the larger headset manufacturers have released a set of motion controllers compatible with their headsets.
Hand Tracking. Hand tracking enables headsets to track the user's hands in VR without any addi­tional hardware
Some basic terminologies.  Some basic technologies are briefly given below:
·     Virtual world. This is an imaginary scenario which is different from the real world. The resource used to create this environment is a computer simulation of visual elements and rendered with computer graphics. The designer of this environment sets the rules ( Algorithm) for interactions with various simulated elements.  You could be anywhere on this globe but have access to simulated (Near Real) scenario.
·    Immersion. This is a new term referred to a situation where users are placed in a virtual environment, taken away from local conditions. VR headsets allow this by occupying their whole field of vision, while headphones achieve similar results with sounds, Effectively user gets fully immersed in an imaginary environment.
  • Sensory feedback. HMD headgear tracks the position of the users within a given space so that the computer renders the changes of positions. Users moving their heads or bodies are given the illusion that they are moving in the real world.
Applications of  VR Technologies The use of these technologies is rapidly expanding from gaming to entertainment, to magic shows, to movies, to medicine, to education,  to training people.
·         Healthcare. Training in surgical procedures,  Physiotherapy
·         Films and movies. This is a major application for entertainment
·         TV shows. It includes  movies, sports events  to offer unique experiences
·         Virtual Travel.  You could have virtual trips to a large type of Public Fair or an art museum, or another country or even moon.
·     Professional Sports. Training programs like STRIVR  can help pro and amateur athletes to try out various options  while competing  in a  near-real ( simulated ) stadium 
·         Exploration, adventure and expeditions
·    Video gamesVR offers new features to develops a video game. Some devices simulate hands so that players can interact with objects: grabbing, drawing, throwing, etc. User will be able to experience firing from a machine gun, or a tank or an aircraft or a ship.
·         Education.  VR provides teachers with headsets virtually taking students outside of the classroom to explore in first person the locations like Moon, Mars, Antarctica, or study sea life by traversing the sea bed.
·   Social apps. In this environment, users can sit at a virtual table and chat with friends/relatives, share pictures. Facebook has already launched its VR app of “Social Spaces” in May 2017. It is expected that by 2020 many other technology companies like IBM, Microsoft, Samsung, Google, Microsoft, Amazon will accelerate its pace of development in the field of VR.
·  Vehicle simulators. Caterpillar is already using computerized simulators for product development as well as training purposes. It simulates all the aspect of driving a Caterpillar vehicle with the addition of haptic feedback.
VR, AR and MR is opening a new horizon for an adventure which could be across a sea,   or over a mountain or underwater or in deep caves or thick jungles. It is particularly getting faster in the field of education, research and training.  For its accelerated growth it needs experts from various fields, computer software, animation, digital videography, theme and visualizers, story writers, even experts from sociology and pomology to study the impact of VR product. .These technologies offer great hope for many new jobs though requiring new skill set. VR industry needs people who are critical thinkers, innovators and visualizers. VR products would have elements of AI. It is therefore right time for young professionals to get set and go for courses/ programs being offered in the VR field.  Those who have good competence in skills related to VR/AR will have an edge over others and that will help in growth and success in their career. Young professionals of today must be ready with the required skills to grab the coming opportunity.

Dr Sarbjit Singh. Former Executive Director, Apeejay College of Engineering. Sohna- Palwal Road, Gurgaon, Haryana, 122105, India
For more information you may refer to my book --- “Career Challenges during Global Uncertainty”,  available on --


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