"I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it because the team, Not the individual, is the ultimate champion.".– Mia Hamm
are living in a world of #Technology #Revolution, Job #Disruptions, Fast
lifestyle and Global #Uncertainty, where scenarios are changing very rapidly.
The world which we have been calling a "Global Village" stands
divided where "Might is Right" is the order of the day. Time does not
wait and the events of various types and dangers keep happening all around us.
Since #Corona (Covid19) breakout in Dec 2019, there has been a #shutdown of
many companies /organisations and job #opportunities have been shrinking
fast recovery from Corona Pandemic since Jan 2022, there has been# restructuring
of many companies and organisations, resulting in moving into smaller #workplaces,
having fewer people doing more, and preference for more people #working #from #homes
and on a contractual basis.
#sustainability in such a chaotic #environment is a big #challenge for any
individual. Newer Technologies are also disrupting certain jobs, though
creating #smatter but fewer jobs. These jobs need new #skills, fast learning, #multi-tasking
#teamwork and quick #adaptability, Therefore you need to plan and act in time
to #upgrade your skills. You should not keep hesitating and thinking. Instead,
be quick to take a calculated #risk and grab any emerging opportunity, stay #motivated,
#innovative and carry on. Some tips for your career success are given in succeeding
· Tactful. You should be #tactful
and #tolerant while dealing and negotiating with customers, vendors, business
partners and sub-contractors. This comes with #maturity and adopting a #positive
#attitude, Remember being blunt and outspoken does not go well always. As you
gain #experience and mature further, you will learn the art of being tactful
during #negotiation. Keep in mind that organizational interest should come
· Talented. A talented manager
draws synergy from peers/team. #Talent is not an academic #qualification but
applied #knowledge in the form of talent/skill that leads to success in any job
you may undertake. One should continuously improve one's talent.
Target. Select your #target carefully and then
go with concentrated #energy to achieve it. In the current global market, you
are to decide your target as KRA and ensure you meet that. In many
organizations, reviews and promotions are linked to targets set and achieved.
Team-Work. Be a useful member of your #team and
assist others to perform well. It is always team decision and team effort which
leads to #success. Look after your team and assist them to perform well.
Encourage them to learn new skills and boost their competence.
Technology. Fast-moving technologies necessitate all
of us to learn and share know-how about emerging technologies to remain current
and #relevant. You should be technology savvy to get the best of your time and
· #Digital #marketing,
#Online ticketing/booking. Online education, 3-D Printing, ICT and mobile
communication devices like a smartphone, testing tools and instruments have
given new opportunities for businesses to grow. You must get the best out of
emerging technologies and evolve adaptive business practices. Be early to adopt
emerging technologies and add more value to your business.
· Thinking
out-of-the-box. As
a manager/team leader you are to be creative, sincere and #think-out-of-the- box to evolve new #cost-efficient
solutions. Traditional thinking will not help in innovating new
· Thanks and
Curtsey. Thanking
someone does not cost much but opens the door for communication in future. Make
it a habit to thank at least 2–3 people every day and you will get inner happiness
and better strength to do well. This will assist in expanding your social
circle and #networking.
· Time Sharing
enhances #productivity. In today's global and competitive market, time is
the most important resource. You do not have 24 hours at your disposal. You
need to split the available time into small segments to make yourself available
on a need basis. Manage your time through #multitasking.
· Time for family. You need to
spare time for children, elders and also for friends. You must give priority to
the organization/job, second to your family and last to your friends. You need
to spare some time for your #family every day and a lot more time on the
weekend. Avoid carrying office work to your home, Watch TV with family and eat
together sitting on the dining table and not in individual bedrooms.
· Tolerance
Strengthen Relationships. As a manager, you need to be patient and tolerant
while dealing with issues which team members may be facing. As you become
senior and mature, you should be more tolerant of minor mistakes of your
· Training for #Competency.
should regularly train yourself in emerging technologies and management
techniques. We are living in an information age which is rapidly changing.
Likewise, you should facilitate the training of team members by arranging
workshops, seminars and conferences for them.
· Transparency and
Openness in dealing with team members, vendors, customers and business
partners.. If you are #transparent to your team and they will trust you and
most willingly support you to succeed
· Trustworthy. In the eyes of
seniors, customers, vendors and teammates you must be #trustworthy. They should
be able to bank on you and expect good services.
· Truthful. Do not tamper
with any data and always tell the #truth. In the long run, truth prevails and
lies get caught.
· Try , Try and
Try. You
may get disappointed if you fail in your task, but you would have learned
something to improve and try again. However, if you do not try, you will remain
ignorant of what is in it. Therefore try, try and try again till you succeed.
· Turning Point. During your
career, you will come across some ups and down. There will be a turning point
when you may change your line of business or field of education and go for your
passion or a better career. At this stage of your career, be determined and do
not waiver or get distracted. If you take a timely and right decision, it will
be a lifetime joy for you.
Ideas for Innovation. Keep
a small notebook in your pocket/bag to note down ideas as these may occur at
any time. Do weekly/monthly sorting of recorded ideas to find doable and
something out of the ordinary. Getting a new idea is part of creative thinking.
The idea need not be yours and it may be of any team member and it must be
appreciated. Every idea may not be successful but you must be determined to
make it work.
· Improvement of
Competence. Improvement
in skills, knowledge and processes is a continuous activity. To stay ahead and
lead from the front, self-improvement should be an ongoing activity.
· Inertia to
Change. You
should not get stuck in your comfort zone as that is a sign of laziness. You
are to be bubbling with energy and taking initiative and moving ahead of others.
Today's world is highly dynamic, where speedy decision-making and taking timely
and right action are the keys to staying ahead. Hesitation to change will be a
drag on your career.
· Integrity. It is a higher
form of loyalty to the organization, profession, seniors, juniors and peers. A
person with high #integrity will not talk against his/her organization and
always uphold the dignity and honour of team members. You may be a hard
taskmaster and the team may find it difficult to satisfy you but you must speak
well about them while dealing with senior management or customers.
· Interaction. As team members,
always interact to draw strength from each other. As a manager, you must #interact
with functional managers and other stakeholders.
· Integration. As a manager,
one of your prime-role is to #integrate effort and sub-systems to evolve a
cost-efficient solution. It requires proper interfacing and readjusting for any
incompatibility. A fully integrated team makes use of everybody's
talent/contribution and exceeds expectations.
· Initiative. Opportunity
comes like a flying bird and you are to be quick to grab the opportunity and
move ahead. #Initiative and risk-taking are essential traits of a successful
· Innovation. #Innovation is
not an invention and it could be some modification, improvement in
look-and-feel, different material, or ease of operation. Innovation provides
you lead in the market and sustainability of the business. Your employer/senior
is always looking for new ideas/innovations to progress their business and that
is the pathway to your success. Along with your team, you need to do lateral
thinking and experiment with new ideas and innovate. Your market demand will
grow and your career will get a #quantum #jump.
· Inspiration. #Inspiration is a
higher level of motivation which propels us up the ladder. You should have a
good mentor whose life/job and personality inspires you. His/her achievements
are like flags on the hill while running a cross-country race.
· Introspect. Whenever you
find events are not taking place as planned, you must do #introspection to
identify the cause and respond accordingly. Often it is our own mistake,
misunderstanding or ego which needs to be corrected to improve the situation.
· Make or Buy. One crucial
decision is whether to make a product in-house and deliver it to the customer
or buy off-the-shelf or subcontract and deliver on time and at a better price.
Here come your innovative ideas and initiative to project you as a star
performer and help your organisation to grow. You will be amply rewarded for
such contribution and progress further.
· Manage 5Ms. As a
manager/team leader you should progressively improve your #management of five
important components of managing projects/products – Men (including
women), Material (hardware/ software), Money (sanctioned budget),
Machinery (Equipment, Tools, Instruments) and Methods (Processes
and procedures).
· Maturity. A matured fruit
is tasty while raw fruit is sour or bitter. Likewise, a mature person draws
respect from all. #Maturity is the
ability to think, speak and act within the bounds of dignity. Shri. Adi
Shankara defines – You have maturity when to stop trying to change others
and instead change yourself.
· Means and
Measures. There
is a famous saying- "Cut your coat according to your cloth."
Living within your #means will avoid any tension due to overspending. You
will have sound sleep and happiness at home and better performance at the
workplace. There is no need to compete or copy others when you cannot afford
that luxury. Plan your budget and remain within that. Likewise, make optimum
use of allotted resources at your workplace and avoid cost over-run.
· Meditation. After a lot of
running around and passing through a lot of stress and strain, #meditation
helps to sit calm, think deep, relax and rejuvenate. Remember meditation is not
an act to be performed but an effort to take body, mind, emotions and energies
to a higher level of maturity. Meditation provides you with total
relaxation/rejuvenation. Some corporate houses have organised meditation
centres within their campus to create a healthy working environment.
· Meticulous. Always plan
meticulously and execute energetically. You must organize your work and do it
as per its priority. If you tend to start too many tasks simultaneously with
fewer resources, there will be a backlog and most tasks will be shown as
work-in-progress. Instead, plan well, act well and deliver on or before time.
· Milestones. Milestones
planted along the road help us to know the status of our journey and control
our speed to reach the desired destination on time. Likewise, while planning
any project or job scheduling, you must mark #milestones on the chart to help
your team to monitor progress and meet deadlines. You may also mark milestones
on your career path.
· Missionary Zeal.
must have a vision for at least three years ahead and set up your mission to
accomplish with full force and determination. Determination and concentration of
energies are the keys to the success of any mission.
· Morale and
Motivation. You
must remain motivated in your job and cheer up your team members to keep the
project/task on track. High #morale is an important factor to ensure good
productivity and success. During the difficult phase of any mission/project,
your leadership counts to show your grit, calmness and high morale. A leader
always presents an encouraging posture to cheer up the team and boost their
· Multi-Tasking. #Multi-tasking is
necessary to showcase your multi-skills and optimal use of available resources.
However, the number of tasks undertaken will depend on the time and effort
available. You must bite as much as you can chew.
· Earn to Grow. There is great
satisfaction and happiness in your working hard to earn it than inheriting or
getting it as a gift from family/friends. When you roll up your sleeves and
sweat it out, your whole team gets inspired and follows you.
· Education and
Skills Building. Higher
#education and skills for your chosen career are a must to grow. Fast-changing
technologies and business practices necessitate remaining up-to-date. In the
emerging global education scenario, there is a number of online training
courses offered by many universities. IITs and organizations like Coursera,
MOOC, Future-Learn, Amazon, and Microsoft. You should join the one which is
suitable to boost your profile.
· Effective. Your team must
take your instructions seriously and the task assigned by you must be executed
faithfully to meet all requirements. The product or service when deployed must
be #effective to fully satisfy customer requirements. Similarly, your
communication with peers, stakeholders or any audience must be clear and
effective to create the required impact.
· Efficient. One must be
efficient while using his/her skills and get the best result with available
resources and optimum effort. If you are #efficient in your job, you will be
able to complete the job within the scheduled time and with no cost/time
overruns. Similarly, the product which you deliver must perform to its full
efficiency and be easy to handle.
· Ego- Ego management
is a very problematic issue but you must control it. Most of the conflict is
due to ego problems/misunderstanding, where either party feels he/she is right
and another person is wrong. As a team leader/manager you should not have an
egoistic attitude and rather show flexibility and courtesy to fellow team
members. You must shed #ego even when dealing with family members and friends.
This will create a good environment both at home and at the workplace.
· Emotional
As a team member, you must deal with facts while taking any decision and not be
moved by any emotion. Some people are over-sensitive and get emotionally
disturbed on a very small issue at their workplace or even at home. You have to
control your emotion and stay calm. Now a day, the employer gives more
importance to the #Emotional #Quotient (EQ) than Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
Most employers have an expert to evaluate your EQ during the selection process.
· Employability
and Productivity.
There are often complaints from the corporate that fresh graduates in the field
of engineering and management are not industry-ready and they have to spend
resources to train their new appointees. You are to excel in academic courses
while at college/university and also acquire additional job-related skills as
well as soft skills. The employer is always looking for readily billable
· #Endurance. You are to develop
the capacity to work/ travel for long hours which demands good health and #determination.
You could be attending late conferences or long travelling to customers/
vendors. Therefore you should develop mental and physical robustness to sustain
work pressure.
· Energy
Conservation. You
need not run and win every race. Sometimes it is a good idea to conserve your
energy for really tough competition. Winston Churchill has stated in his
memoirs how he stayed fit during prolonged World War II. He had said -
"Do not keep standing when you can
afford to sit down and do not keep sitting when you can afford to lie
· Enthusiastic You must
demonstrate sustained #enthusiasm toward every assignment /project and the team
will follow you. Even when you are tired, your enthusiasm must not drop.
· Ethics and Ethos. As
a professional, you must follow business/professional ethics in which ever
field you may be working. Similarly, the organisational method must be followed
diligently. Do not give up ethics for sake of short-term gain/temptation. Do
not indulge in any unethical activity as you are being observed by people
around you, including vendors, customers and channel partners.
· Evidence of
Whatever you do in any stage of your career at any position, let the result
speak for itself. This requires evidence/proof of actions taken by you and the
result obtained. As a leader/manager, you must lead the team from the front
with demonstrated performance, showing #evidence of your competence. This is
most inspiring for the team.
· Evolving Not
Solving. #Evolve
sustainable solutions through #collective #efforts Revolution leads to
disruption and disturbance. Do not provide a solution to the team. Instead,
involve them to showcase their talent and evolve collective solutions built
around their competency. This encourages team participation and synergy.
· Example to
Follow. Action
and results speak louder than verbal announcements. A successful leader or
manager; leads the team by personal #example. This is the best evidence of your
commitment to the job/project. Your conduct in the workplace and at home should
be exemplary.
· Excellence
through Continuous Improvement. In today's highly competitive market,
you need to be outstanding in any field of work. It applies at the time of
entry into a career and during the entire service to climb the corporate
ladder. Most employers have a performance-based review for promotions.
Therefore your search for #excellence should continue as you move from one
level to the next.
· Experiment Idea
to Validate. To
find something new or innovate, you must develop a habit of #lateral-thinking
and questioning why not another way around. Once you have an actionable idea,
you must #experiment with it to validate its suitability. A successful
experiment will establish that your idea is workable and its product will be
usable, safe, durable and cost-effective.
· Eye for Details.
should have a good eye for details and identify the essentials and leave the
rest. Time is at a premium and what is essential, needs a priority and your
attention/participation. While walking through a production facility or a
work-site, where your team is working, you should be able to capture a lot of
information at a glance as to how are they focused on their job. Similarly,
while referring to a document/file you should be very quick to go through it
without missing essential details. This saves a lot of time and you can take
the right and fast decision.
To read more, please read by Book –
A2Z 26 Steps to Assured Success, Available on amazon.in and flipkart.com
Contact: Dr Sarbjit Singh, drsarbjit@gmail.com