“Nothing succeeds like success- Stay Alert, Updated, Relevant and Determined to last longer” To complete any project or assigned job successfully, you need ownership, commitment, focus and determination. Ownership will draw commitment which will demand focus and determination. It is very important for you to own the organization and align yourself with the vision and mission of the organization. You will enjoy doing your job, even if it is a tough going. Likewise, if you own your family members, you will have the commitment to protect and support them. Ownership gives happiness and pride in whatever you do. You do not require supervision while performing your job. You will happily commit to putting in an extra bit to achieve excellence. Indeed, you will be self-motivated and people around you will also get inspired. Ownership can relate to anything say a pet, child, family, organization, institution, job, house, car, town, city, state and Nation. Ownership. ...
Dr Sarbjit's Blog is free sharing of knowledge and experience and giving support to young professionals in progressing in their career and contributing to the organisation.. On-going learning and adopting emerging technologies and being innovative are the keys to success