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Ownership, Commitment, Focus and Determination for Assured Career Success

“Nothing succeeds like success- Stay Alert, Updated, Relevant and Determined to last longer” To complete any project or assigned job successfully, you need ownership, commitment, focus and determination. Ownership will draw commitment which will demand focus and determination. It is very important for you to own the organization and align yourself with the vision and mission of the organization. You will enjoy doing your job, even if it is a tough going.  Likewise, if you own your family members, you will have the commitment to protect and support them. Ownership gives happiness and pride in whatever you do. You do not require supervision while performing your job. You will happily commit to putting in an extra bit to achieve excellence. Indeed, you will be self-motivated and people around you will also get inspired. Ownership can relate to anything say a pet, child, family, organization, institution, job, house, car, town, city, state and Nation. Ownership.   ...

ABCD of Relationships for Career Success

“ When you make a commitment to a relationship, you invest your attention and energy in it more profoundly because you now experience ownership of that relationship”--. Barbara De Angelis It is well established that the building good relations takes a long time and lot of effort while spoiling relationship takes few minutes or a few bad words. Build bridges of trust and hope but and do not blow those away as you may have to cross these many times in future. The relationship within your team, with peers, seniors, friends and family members will have an impact on your performance at the workplace, dealing with customers, vendors and business alliances. You need to be more social and mixing well for extending the hand of friendship and mutual support. A strong relationship is built on mutual trust, positive attitude and commitment. Good relationships are like trees, and demand attention in the beginning but once they blossom, trees provide you shade, fragrance and fruit, while huma...

Faith,Hope and Prayer for career success

“Faith can move mountains and lack of faith can create mountains ” We all know that success in career brings happiness to self, family and the organization, in which we are serving. Faith in self, team, boss, organization, teacher/coach, mentor, family and God strengthen our energies and hope to succeed. It is your positive attitude to think that all are your well-wishers and they all want to see you climbing up the corporate ladder. Trust your mentors and boss, when you seek advice and must express your gratitude for their help. Faith is also termed as belief in self and others.  If you believe your doctor, the medicine will show a better effect on you. If you believe your teacher/trainer/coach you will learn faster and better. Likewise, if you believe your friends, mentors, family members, you can always seek their support. You must have full belief in your capabilities and move on with full determination.  You can accomplish anything if you believe that you can do it....