Goal, Grit, Gratitude, Growth are Keys to Success “A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca Goal seeking, ownership and determination are the keys to success. For your growth and success in career, you should have well thought of goal. Once the goal is set, you must plan and coordinate all efforts to achieve your goal within the allotted budget and time. As a team leader/manager you should be specific while assigning the jobs to team members so that you can hold them accountable. Likewise, while dealing with vendors/sub-contractors, suppliers and channel partners, you must discuss in specific terms instead of generality. Instructions should have no ambiguity so that job is done as per specifications. Your success and career growth is linked to the success of your team and you...
Dr Sarbjit's Blog is free sharing of knowledge and experience and giving support to young professionals in progressing in their career and contributing to the organisation.. On-going learning and adopting emerging technologies and being innovative are the keys to success