Success through
Simple, Scalable, Sure, Sustainable and Speedy Planning
“The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, Integrity , faith, love and loyalty.” – Zig Ziglar
• Sabbatical. This is a leave for higher study with full salary.. Encourage your team members to avail sabbatical leave for higher studies/ skill building. You should recommend sabbatical leave only for those employees who are loyal and efficient in their job .
• Sacrifice. Whether in a job or self-employed or as an entrepreneur, you got to sacrifice few things to excel and grow in career. This requires change in personal habits for accommodating requirements of others.
• Sacrosanct: The policies and instructions of the organisation must be upheld as sacrosanct. There should be no deviation by any one.
• Safety. Safety of equipment, machinery and people operating those, is very important. Always take care and ensure that work environment are safe against any injury, fire accident, flooding or earthquake. Complete workplace should be conducive to safe working.
• Sanctity. Remember most people are sensitive to their religion and we all must respect their sentiments. Therefore sanctity of all places of worship/ prayer must be maintained by all.
You communication with others must be respectful. Being kind in words does not
cost you anything but it reflects maturity and dignity of your position. Never pass
remarks directly or indirectly, which are sarcastic and hurt feelings of
others. Be very particular, while conversing with opposite genders.
Satisfaction. You should always complete given task on-time, within budget and to the full satisfaction of the customer. Similarly before you approve any product/ service developed by your team, you must be fully satisfied that it meets all quality requirements.
Schedule. Always prepare comprehensive schedule of activities and deployment of resources so that you complete assigned task /project on-time and within allotted budget. You may have to accommodate some unforeseen events but that should be part of your contingency plan.
Scope. There are always constraints like available Time, Funds, and Workforce Therefore; you should not keep a project or task open-ended. There must be start and finish dates and criteria for acceptance. Hence, scope of a project must be discussed with the customer and mutually agreed to .
Scrap-book. A fresh idea may occur at any time and on any day. It could be at work place or even when you are driving or relaxing at home. It is good habit to note down your thoughts as those occur. For this, a small scrapbook should be kept handy to quickly joy down salient points.
A scrupulous professional is diligent, thorough in details,
and extremely attentive to the constraints of the assigned task/.project.
He/she should be scrupulous, honest and dedicated.
Scapegoat. As a manager or team leader always standby your decisions. You must share success with your team while you must take full responsibility for any failure. Do not find scapegoat to pass the buck. The buck stops at you
Search for Excellence. For building additional knowledge and skills, always search for excellence and acquire it quickly. Do not accept mediocre standards for any product / service and inspire your team to always search for excellence
Self-sufficient. You should not have over dependence on outside resources . Instead. be self-reliant and use available resources. Find products / solutions which are more indigenous using organic efforts
Selfless: Selflessness is own decision of one to let go own comforts
and help others.
Sensible - Sensitive. One should be more sensible and reflect maturity rather than being touchy and very sensitive. Do not get cranky on small issues. Instead let those go and focus on bigger issues.
· Sequential – Quantum.. If you are steady and focused on your job, you will be comfortable in achieving sequential growth in your carrier. However, if you want to take a quantum jump and switch to bigger job, you need to build extra skills and showcase your talent to you seniors. Likewise, you ask need to display your talent and future potential to others while attending seminars / conferences.
Serious. Always take every assigned task seriously and put in your very best to complete it on-time and with allotted budget/ resources. One must not joke around and talk loosely to win cheap popularity among the team. Being serious does not mean to isolate yourself but to stay happy while focus on job.
Setback. Risk taking and going for new opportunities may cause some time a setback due to unforeseen events. Do not get disheartened and take it is as a temporary phase. Pick up fresh strength and bounce back with new vigour.
• Simple. A simple plan is sure to succeed while complex plan will often cause time and cost overruns. Be simple in writing and speaking as it adds to clarity and understanding of the recipients. Keep you plan simple and success is sure. Follow well known formula of KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).
• Sincere. Be sincere in your approach and your team and others will support you. Being sincere is being committed to the organization, assigned task or promise.
• SMART. While planning and executing a job or project you should, follow SMART strategy – Specific, Measurable. Attainable, Realistic and Timely.
• Smile for radiating happiness. Smiling will cost you nothing but it will send pleasant waves for making others happy and assured. There are people who smile even through their eyes and send pleasant signals of friendship.
• Sociable. As a team leader you should be sociable and make people comfortable on the –job or off job. Be easily accessible and visit their family to speak good about your employees cheer them up.
• Solution provider. In any job there will be hold-ups/ difficulties at some stage. You should aim to be solution provider rather than problem solver. Avoid providing ready-made solution to you team. Instead, evolve sustainable solution through team participation.
Speedy Thinking and Actions. You got to be fast in thinking and doing a task else you lag behind and may even drag others with whom you are interdependent. Speed in information collection, decision making and action are important to stay ahead and be a clear winner.
Spirited: It is important for a team leader/manager to stay in good spirits reflecting full energy, enthusiasm, and determination. You action must be spirited-effort as that will inspire the team to stay energetic and succeed.
Straight –Forward.
Be straight- forward and give clear instructions. Sometime hard decisions are
to be taken on the interest of your organisation. Be frank and no mincing of
• Strength. Do not underestimate yourself. You have lot of strengths and few are unknown to you. If you challenge yourself and have faith in yourself, you may be pleasantly surprised as to what you can achieve.
• Stress Management. As a manager/team leader you are to sustain stress of workload and also ensure your team puts in extra energy to meet the targets. Do keep in mind that your team is not stretched to a breaking point. Organize facilities like Gym, meditation centre and other indoor games in the workplace. These will act as stress relievers so that people can work long hours without being unduly stressed.
• Success through Passion. We all want great success and that too quickly. Be passionate in whatever you do and you will always succeed. It is your passion that will drive you through many hurdles and keep you on track to achieve your ultimate goal. Learn to share your success with others including family members. They will be happy and support you more.
• Sure. You must be sure of strengths and weaknesses. You should always be sure of what you communicate to your team members and what you expect from them. Similarly be sure of your resources and commitment to seniors and customers.
• Surprise by Delivering More. Follow the principle of promising less and delivering more. That will delight seniors as well as customer. The customer should be pleasantly surprised to receive early delivery with many value additions and crossing their expectations.
• Sustainable. Any business should not a be fly- by- night operation for making quick money. There must be contingency plan to withstand us and downs. Your should be sustainable for longer time,
SWOT. In days of uncertainty and high global competition, it is useful to carry out periodic SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) analysis. It will help in deciding for making up deficiencies, establishing alliances and evolving marketing strategies.
Modern business world is of alliances and collaborations where each member
draws strength from other members and collectively they become winners. Same
formula applies in developing project team or marketing group.
Sympathetic. There are times when despite best efforts there is a some setback in the team. There can be mishap in the family of some team member. As a leader of a team you must express sympathy with the member and provide all support him/her to bounce back.
Systematic. You must organise your workplace such that it looks neat and tidy. Ensure systematic record keeping and handing of any project. Being systematic, you save in time and effort while looking for certain documents or information.
To read more you may refer to my books/ebooks “ A2Z- 26 steps for
Assured Success”. and “Career
Challenges during Global Uncertainty”,
available on or www.
Brig ( Retd) Dr. Sarbjit Singh, Former
Exec Director, Apeejay College of Engineering and Hony Advisor
School of Engineering and Technology, Apeejay Stya University, Sohna , Gurgaon,
Haryana, India 122103.