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Willpower, Willingness, Way-forward, and Win-Win Strategy ensure Sustainability

 Willpower, Willingness, Way-forward, and Win-Win Strategy ensure Sustainability

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential, These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence” – Confucius

We all need to win a game, race, people, customers, seniors, and team members for the growth of our organization. This is also the case for all collaborations and alliance partners. Therefore, one has to adopt a win-win strategy to accommodate others. Sometimes we give up small points and offer concessions to business partners to win the deal. Salient points which may guide you to success are given in alphabetic order in succeeding sections:

·     Waistline. To do well in your career, you must stay fit, Do watch your waistline regularly and moderate your food habits and do regular exercise

·         Waiting Time. Waiting time hangs heavy and one often gets restless. Do not make people wait if you have given them an appointment. You must call them in and make them comfortable before any discussion, In case you have to wait some time, use your  waiting time gainfully  by strolling, lateral thinking and recalling some of past events

·         Wake-up call. One may not succeed all the time. Any setback/failure should be taken as a wake-up call to do better next time.

·         Walk and Talk.  One of the effective ways to stay in contact with your team members is to walk about in your workplace and have word with them. This informal way puts people at ease and they respect you for paying attention to their work. You can also give on-the-spot guidance if needed. During your walk, you can quietly observe many other administrative points requiring attention.

·         Wandering. Discourage team members or any other person from wandering in the workplace. Work is worship and every member must stick to one’s seat and carry on working uninterrupted.

·      Wants Vs. Needs. Human needs are essential requirements and can be planned and met, but not their wants. Too many wants are greed and not your need. You must live within means and not imitate others to show off.

·         Waiver. Do consider the request from others favorably. Sometimes it is good to give a waiver by ignoring small mistakes.

·         Warehouse. Use technology to the maximum to organize your warehouse which may hold inventory or knowledge. Make sure that Storage, Labelling/ Indexing, Retrieval, and dispatch are optimized.

·         Warning. Organize an appropriate system to give you early warning for any deviation in the processor or coming events.   It is the basic duty of a team leader/manager to maintain proper discipline and work culture in the organization. For this, you must set a personal example of maintaining proper discipline and decorum of the workplace. A firm warning should be given to the defaulting member so that he/she understands the importance of the work- culture and ethos of the organization.

·         Warranty.  While doing any business transaction, seek a warranty and give a warranty for the product/ service being transactedIssuing of warranty should be your Quality Assurance Procedure.

·         Waste. You must not waste time, energy, and resources while executing any assigned job/task. All resources like people and time are at a premium

·         Watchful.  Always be watchful of events happening around you and respond appropriately. Do not get surprised as that will put you off balance. Likewise, be watchful of changes taking place in technology, market trends, and job opportunities, so that you can be proactive and pick up required new skills.

·         Way Forward. Do not get stuck with a problem. Be innovative; apply your mind carefully and with focus. You may seek advice if needed, but you must find a way forward and stay progressive to meet your commitment.

·         Weed out. As we know to get a good crop from his field, the farmer regularly takes out the weeds. Likewise, if there are some low-performing members who have not shown improvement despite guidance and warnings, they need to be weeded out.

·         Weakling. We all know a chain is as strong as its weakest link. So there is a need to give support for that link or replace it to ensure the chain remains fully strong. Likewise, identify weaklings in your team and provide support and guidance for them to come up to the desired standard. Do not immediately reject and throw out such people as they may require extra coaching/training and they may come up to your expectation. Training an existing employee for improvement is more economical than recruiting and training a fresh candidate.

·         Wealth. Wealth is not only in terms of money in the bank or investment in various tangible assets but more important is knowledge assets. As an organization, you must create a “Knowledge Bank” where intellectual-property (reusable assets, SOPs, and designs) is safely stored as organizational wealth.

·         Welcome. A formal welcome to a new employee is the most important function of a manager/ team leader. This helps to establish a good bond among team members. He/ She will be at ease and adjust faster in your team.

·         Welfare. As a team leader or manager, you are to ensure the welfare of men/women of your team. A well-looked-after team will work more enthusiastically and can collectively overcome any difficult situation.

·         Wellness.  A healthy body and healthy mind are needed to work to your full potentialThere are a number of programs for Physical Fitness, Yoga, Meditation, and Psychological counseling. These are available as face-to-face training or in the forms of books, e-books, CD/DVD, or Online videos. You must take balanced and healthy food and do regular physical exercise. You must see good, hear good, read good, feel good and stay in good spirits. This will provide you with total wellness for you to be productive and happy.

·         What-If-Analysis. Do not get stuck in a situation and vacillate. Get your acts together and find a way out. If you apply your mind correctly, there is always an alternative. Your plan should have an inbuilt contingency plan so that if main plan “A” gets stuck, plan “B” is initiated immediately.

·         What–When–Where–Who and How (W4 H). For a successful execution of a plan, do a thorough analysis to determine what, when, where, who and how the task will be done. Assignment of task and expected results must be clearly stated and formally handed over to the person who will be accountable for the outcome. There should be no room for ambiguity. Assignment of a task should be as per the capability of a team member.

·         What is–in-it-for-me? People will not work for your interest until they see something for them in it. This is a human angle, as everyone is busy in own needs and priorities. Therefore the art of being successful is to understand others' needs and play that tune. It is well said --

                                    “Nothing is interesting unless you are interested.”

·         Why and Why Not. It is good to be inquisitive and ask why and be sure of the task being assigned but not to ask why just to resist and avoid the task. Be positive in your attitude while questioning the purpose/objective of the task. When you have decided to undertake some project/task, others may ask why you are doing this. Your response should be–“why not.” This will send the right message across the organization and to your distractors.

·         Wife is an Institution. The wife is the most essential part of a family. In fact, a wife is an institution that brings up her children to be the best in every walk of life.  She may be doing a job, caring for the children, and carrying out many tasks to run the house as a sweet home. In the present era, a wife does a lot more than her husband and she must be openly praised wholeheartedly and thanked for all that she does.

·         Willpower. The will to do is more important than the skill to do. A determined person finds ways and means to overcome skill deficiency. It is willpower that keeps you going even when you are almost exhausted.  During a race, many people give up just sort of the finishing line as they lack willpower. To make hard decisions or to work through various odds, you need willpower more than the skill. The one who has willpower would say firmly-I will do it” while others may say “I will try.” Remember a good old saying –

“You will be what you WILL to be! When the Spirit rises to   Command, the Gods are ready to obey!” – James Allen

·        Willingness. Always step out and willingly take extra responsibility as that will be appreciated by seniors and teammates. You will enjoy working on that task. An unwilling person cannot perform to his/ her full potential.

·         Win-Win. Winning and losing are two sides of the same coin. You should be determined in your approach to go through all odds and make it succeed. Every win boosts your morale to try another win and keep going. Infect, a failure should only remind you to recoup and try next time harder and win. Most of us are not trained to take losing games in the spirit of sportsmanship. It requires maturity to play gracefully and accept the outcome - win or lose. Sometimes, you must let other partners also win. In a business alliance, you should adopt a win-win strategy so that business deals can sustain longer.

·         Withdrawal is not Defeat. To maintain harmony and good work culture, sometimes you may change your stance and withdraw and try later. Infect, withdrawal is not a defeat, but temporary side-stepping to diffuse an awkward situation and respond appropriately at a suitable time.

·         Within.  Always be responsive to the happenings within the team/organization.  A team leader/ manager should be easily accessible to all team membersYou need to build trust among team members for maintaining discipline within the team.

·         Witness. Do not just witness a wrong happening around you, instead, be responsive and responsible for taking proper action.

·         World of Words. Today’s world is of words. Good words attract customers and friends while harsh words create enmity and anger. Therefore, choose good words while speaking or writing and make people happy.

·         Work Culture. It is very important to have a work culture that is conducive to high productivity and quality. It should be the culture to report on duty on time and leave the workplace  at the closing time and not early,

·         Workaholic. It is good to follow a popular theme – “Work is worship” and every team member should work diligently and must not waste any time is gasping or walking about and disturbing other teammates. If you are efficient and plan your time well, you should be able to complete your assigned task and any chosen extra bit within working hours. You should neither stay late in the office nor carry office work to your home. Once you reach home or you are on holiday, spend maximum time with the family and clear the backlog of some household affairs.

  •     Work Flow. A workflow is the process of various jobs being carried out by various teams in an organization.  There may be interaction among various sub-processes and processes. Any process requires regular monitoring and timely correction if needed. A team leader/ manager is responsible to streamline workflow within the organization so that available resources are optimally used and productivity is enhanced.

·         Work with Joy. Some work to live, while others live to work.  If you are self-motivated, you work joyfully and will not get tired of work. You will require no supervision and will earn praise from all.

  •         Worry. The good old saying is ever true--Worry does not Mend Matters,   rather, – “Worry spoils the curry.” In fact, worrying is a low form of mental activity which is waste of time and self-created unpleasantness. Medical science says worrying about things that you cannot control creates an impact on Your health. Too much worrying may cause a chemical reaction that may affect your nervous system, the heart and may cause psychological disorders. So don’t worry just smile away.

·         Worst. Everything may not go as per plan and as per clock. When things go wrong, ask yourself what the worst can happen. Be calm, prepare to accept reality, and respond carefully.

·         Wow, factor. If you and your team can bring out innovations, it will give a pleasant surprise or wow factor. You will be admired by the team, seniors, and customers.

To read more, you may refer to my books/ebooks “ A2Z- 26 steps for Assured Success”. and  “Career Challenges during Global Uncertainty”, available on    or www.
Brig ( Retd) Dr Sarbjit Singh, Former Exec Director,  Apeejay College of Engineering and Hony Advisor  School of Engineering and Technology,++ Apeejay Stya University, Sohna, Gurgaon, Haryana, India 122103.


Sudeep said…
This is really amazing and insightful. A great learning for all.

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