Willpower, Willingness, Way-forward, and Win-Win Strategy ensure Sustainability “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential, These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence” – Confucius We all need to win a game, race, people, customers, seniors, and team members for the growth of our organization. This is also the case for all collaborations and alliance partners. Therefore, one has to adopt a win-win strategy to accommodate others. Sometimes we give up small points and offer concessions to business partners to win the deal. Salient points which may guide you to success are given in alphabetic order in succeeding sections: · Waistline . To do well in your career, you must stay fit, Do watch your waistline regularly and moderate your food habits and do regular exercise · Waiting Time. Waiting time hangs heavy and one often gets restless....
Dr Sarbjit's Blog is free sharing of knowledge and experience and giving support to young professionals in progressing in their career and contributing to the organisation.. On-going learning and adopting emerging technologies and being innovative are the keys to success